Leaving home ...

So a couple of days ago I finally said goodbye to West Oz Warlords, the World of Warcraft guild I've been in for about four years, and the first "serious" guild that I joined in WoW. I'd been partially gone for a couple of months, having transferred one of my toons to an Oceanic server to try and play with more dedicated raiders and more people based on the east coast of Australia, but on Wednesday night I made the big announcement and took all my toons out, ready to transfer the main ones to a new server, and into their new home, a casual/raiding guild called Mortal Wombats.

It's definitely a bittersweet feeling. The reasons I'm leaving are simple - there's just not enough Oceanic players on the server we were playing on to give a good pool of people to play with. There were a LOT of good people in WozW, but not enough to keep raiding the content I wanted to be raiding. So I'll miss a lot of them, but try and keep in touch through forums and the odd chat.

Hopefully on a new server, in a new guild, I'll be able to see all the big Warcraft lore developments on the horizon as The Lich King is defeated ...

I want to build my bicycle

At the end of last year I fell off my bike. Not in the literal sense, but more in the sense where cycling to work was the bandwagon, and I was doing it, and then I wasn't. Over the Christmas/NY break I had a couple of rides and really wished I was back on the bike and doing more cycling. I'm back into it now, focussing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday as my unbreakable cycle-commute days and then riding whenever I feel like it around that.

So far it's working, and I've registered over at dailymile to keep track of all the cycling I do (xeyr is my username over there).

Next project - building up the Surly Instigator frame that I just bought off ebay ...  It's last year's model, bright orange and is gonna end up being an off roader for doing silly stuff with my brother and friends that are "that way inclined." Looking forward to it, even though it's gonna be an interesting experience working out how to build a bike!